26. Apr, 2015

Useful Information to Ensure Your Success.

While dogs are in a static position they should be rewarded constantly to condition this position, don’t pay attention to other people walking their dogs around you concentrate on communicating with the dog at your side by dropping food between their feet while in a down and offering food from above while they are in a sit. When you feel your dog moving away from your focus because another dog is passing remind your dog to leave by giving the appropriate correction and word. “Leave or No”

At next week’s class we will cover all agility equipment. Separate into groups and work each piece twice and then move onto the next, this way we will all keep moving and hopefully keep warm. Also keeping the dogs interested.  I will move between each piece to help with any difficulties you may have and if you need help don’t be afraid to ask. I will also take everyone, one at a time to work on individual exercises and help with any other problems you may have.

Doing agility for me is more about building trust and teamwork with your dog and should always be taught with a happy and encouraging tone. When your dog has finished an exercise, no matter how well you think they did they need to be praised enthusiastically.

Remember don’t be a robot and have fun.


Thanks to everyone looking forward to seeing you all next.

26. Apr, 2015

Name Recognition

Use this exercise to ensure your pet will recognize and respond to his/her name in any given situation. Good name recognition is an important safeguard for your pet just like a good recall. Start by saying your dog’s name frequently and  rewarding them  when they look at you and/ or come to you. Positive reinforcement should be a small food reward or whatever motivates your dog. Your voice naturally changes with daily life and reflects whatever may be going on at the time. Never abuse this trust by calling your dog to you for punishment or if you are going to do something, like bathing them and this is something they wouldn’t normally like. Your dog must always associate their name with something positive. If your dog needs to be interrupted from an undesired behaviour use an interruption cue such as clapping your hands loudly or using the negative marker word/ sound and go towards your dog to move him away or distract him from the environment or ongoing behaviour. Name recognition and recall cues must always result in a positive outcome for your dog to be successful.